PS4B celebrating 15 years of business – Press Release

PS4B was established by Richard Hooper in Coventry City Council’s Steeple House in 2005 after he’d built-up two decades of experience with regional IT companies.

He used some of his own savings and a loan from NatWest to get started and the company has gone from strength to strength ever since.

It now employs six staff and supports well in excess of 100 clients, largely across Coventry and Warwickshire as well as the wider Midlands. PS4B landed a string of new customers in 2019 – including a portfolio of clients from a Black Country IT company that was winding up operations.

And Hooper, who employed the company’s first apprentice last year, is looking forward to building on that success.

He said: “When you start a business, you never know just how successful it might be and whether there will be any longevity.

“I knew I had a good business plan but needed working capital on top of some of my own money I was investing. I saw several banks and, at the time, they weren’t interested – apart from NatWest who could see the vision I had for the company.

“They gave me a small business loan, I took a desk in Steeple House and the rest, as they say, is history.

“We’ve grown steadily over the past decade and a half, adding to the team and bringing in new clients. Although we are a technology business, we pride ourselves on great service and there is no doubt that people still buy from people.

“A business’s IT system is everything to them these days and we understand that we have a big part to play on a day-to-day basis when it comes to an SME, providing support and also advice on the latest technological advances.

“A big area of business for us is the move from Windows 7 – which is no longer supported by Microsoft – to Windows 10. We are helping businesses to understand the risks of using unsupported operating systems in terms of security but also the benefits of migrating to the latest system.

“It’s all about building trust with clients so they know that you have their best interests at heart when you are offering advice. It is something that has stood us in good stead for 15 years and long may that continue.”